As our world relies more and more on technology every day, it is our responsibility to ensure our students graduate prepared to succeed in this ever-evolving environment.
Students in Kindergarten through eighth grade have full Chromebook classroom sets, one for each student.
These Chromebooks are also used in support of the online component of our ongoing curriculum.
Students also learn how to keyboard and how to use Google Suites (drive, docs, slides, forms, classroom). Students also use their Chromebooks to take the Standardized STAR test four times a year.
And for students who don’t have access to a computer outside of school, we offer a Chromebook lending program for students to use one of our school computers at their home.
Technology education for the lower grade classes generally focuses on basic skills as well as research on topics they are studying in class.
Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade: Focus is on learning the parts of computers, basic computer operation, mouse manipulation, and an introduction to keyboarding, internet safety and word processing.
Second and Third Grade: Continued work on general computer literacy, with an introduction to research related to classroom topics, as well as introductions to spreadsheets and presentations.
Fourth Grade: Continued work on computer literacy, with a rigorous introduction to proper keyboarding techniques, and continued research on classroom topics. There is also continued work in word processing, spreadsheets and presentations, as well as an introduction to desktop publishing.
In the upper grades, we move from learning the computer to truly using the computer as a tool for productivity and creativity.
Fifth through Eighth Grade: Improved keyboarding skills and internet safety play a large part in these grades. Making the most of word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and desktop publishing continues to play a role here as well.